Have you ever wondered about the origins of a common object like the bolt?
Although the bolt is a symbol of industrial production, its origins as a threaded bolt with a nut date back to 1568 when the first machine for threading screws was created in France. Later, in 1641 in England, significant improvements in production cycles made large-scale distribution easier.
Almost two centuries later, two milestones and a significant event changed the history of the bolt. In 1818, in Connecticut, Rugg invented two machines for bolt production, and with the advent of electricity, production accelerated, making it six times faster. In 1859, also in Connecticut, Clark patented the process of making screws directly from round bars, forever changing the face of the bolt.
Over the years, the bolt has undergone significant evolution. From iron production, prone to breakage and rust, it has evolved to tempered materials and heat treatments that make it almost indestructible, even against weather conditions.
Have you ever thought about how many sectors are involved with this simple object? Just in the production field, we can think of the mechanical, energy, petrochemical, and wind sectors. But the uses don't stop there: amusement parks, transportation, and event structures all rely on the essential bolt.
Nearly 500 years later, this small and simple element still has no worthy replacement.