NordLog's commitment to quality: our corporate policy

NordLog's commitment to quality: our corporate policy

Quality is at the core of NordLog's operations. To ensure our customers receive products and services that meet the highest standards, we have developed a quality policy that reflects our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. This document outlines the fundamental principles that guide our daily operations and our approach to continuous improvement.


The General Management, aware of the importance and necessity to demonstrate and document to its customers the Organization's ability to regularly provide products and services that meet the required standards, has deemed it appropriate to establish a Quality System in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The Management demonstrates leadership and commitment towards the quality management system and has highlighted customer needs and expectations satisfaction as a primary objective. Among other objectives, the following are emphasized:

  • Support the customer by providing innovation and reliability through the integration of the best available technologies;
  • Pay the necessary attention to the analysis of customer needs and realities to correctly evaluate the validity and implementation costs of new initiatives, identifying the path to take each time to minimize the impact of changes;
  • Be the reference partner that the CUSTOMER CAN RELY ON not by virtue of a schematic vision of rules and principles but for its ability to wisely interpret the need for renewal and translate the expectations of companies into functional logics;
  • Operate ensuring effectiveness, efficiency, and reliability by employing all necessary resources to guarantee the principles of diligence and correctness as well as compliance with current regulations;
  • Carry out activities with the commitment to comply with relevant regulations, laws, and standards applicable to the sector;
  • Prefer suppliers who act with a view to continuous quality improvement in the delivery of their products and services;
  • Pursue continuous improvement of technologies and existing plants and equipment to improve qualitative aspects;
  • Prevent and correct possible problems and non-conforming situations through analysis and reduction of the causes that determined discrepancies between set and obtained results;
  • Involve all personnel and collaborators through constant information and training activities on organizational culture and techniques in order to pursue continuous process improvement;
  • Periodically review the Policy, Objectives, Targets, and related implementation programs and give them adequate visibility within the company.

To achieve these objectives, the Management commits to:

  • Ensure that the Corporate Policy is supported at all levels of the Company's organization;
  • Guarantee the human and instrumental resources necessary to achieve corporate objectives;
  • Encourage the improvement of individual capabilities of each collaborator and the establishment of the best corporate climate.

Furthermore, the Management ensures that:

  • All workers are trained, informed, and aware to perform their tasks safely in compliance with the prescriptions related to company activities and aware of their individual responsibilities within the Corporate Management System;
  • The entire corporate structure participates according to their attributions and competencies in achieving the assigned objectives.

Pay attention to ensuring that the company's activities are carried out with respect for the environment, operating on organizational methods, and, in the case of new investments, seeking the most innovative equipment and plants on the market.

The dissemination of the Corporate Policy and objectives is done through the posting of this document in company departments.

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